How hard is it to get in to one of the best universities?

How hard is it to get in to one of the best universities?

Is some knowledge and practice, in the field I want to study, necessary to get me through the competition?

How much harder are the tests compared to an average university?

How fierce is the competition?

I’m not the best but not average either, more like an average of the best. I am quite good at math and academically overall, but I doubt my ability to actually get in.

The university in question is Technical University of Munich. However, I’m open to recommendations, the university is just a stretch goal at the moment.

If you care to share any experiences with applying, I will be very happy to listen.

4 thoughts on “How hard is it to get in to one of the best universities?”

  1. Just remember the acceptance rates also reflect the applicants.

    In the US, MIT is around a 6%; however, you must remember that most of the candidates are of the highest quality. It’s tough.

  2. If you want to get into one of those top universities like Harvad, Oxford, etc., there are some tips you should take into account before you send your application:

    Apply on time and apply to many schools

    Get good grades

    Score well on the placement tests

    Write an amazing essay

    Get great recommendations

    Ask for help

    Consider these steps and you’ll be able to increase your admission chances and study at one of the top universities of your dream!

  3. Not hard at all. There are thousands to choose from. They just have to choose one that is suitable for their level of academic achievement and within their financial reach.

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