Study Materials

The learning materials provided by the teacher, school, company, or organization for learning and research is called study materials. In other words, it is the collection of material including textbooks, basic syllabus of subjects, patter patterns, additional information of in-class activities, etc, that teachers may use to help students in achieving desired academic success.

In the field of education, study materials can also be called learning materials that teachers use in the classroom to elaborate on the particular topic to accomplish learning objectives.

Study material generally assists the students to enhance their learning process. This encourages students to learn new concepts that significantly enhance their knowledge.

Study Materials


How do I choose a study material?

Learning theory suggests—and it is also our belief after working with thousands of licensing candidates—that simultaneously integrating practice questions while studying the materials makes a huge difference with regard to retention. Focus on a content area and then immediately test yourself with the relevant practice exam questions. You can then see your results, learn from them, and repeat the process until you have mastered that section.

Your study materials should provide the following features:

  • Sample questions that correlate to written materials to enforce the exam points
  • The ability to quiz and test yourself in specific areas or domains
  • Detailed rationales on why answers are right or wrong

Study materials should allow you to easily focus your learning to specific areas or domains and should efficiently familiarize you with the actual question/answer exam format.

What are the best study materials?

Noise-Canceling Headphones One of the most challenging parts of studying is getting into the zone and focusing. That’s all the harder to achieve when you’re constantly finding yourself distracted by your roommate, your family, or the ice cream truck driving by outside your window. To avoid these frustrating, attention-drawing noises, we recommend studying with noise-canceling headphones.
The Internet You’ll probably be using your class notes to study, but what happens if there’s a concept or topic that you still don’t completely understand? Having a go-to website or two that you can use to search a subject and find clarifying explanations can be extremely helpful in making sure that you actually understand the material you need to learn for your test.
Highlighters and Sticky Notes As you read back through your textbook and notes, use highlighters and sticky notes to remind yourself of which key information you actually need to remember – because even the meanest teachers and professors won’t make you memorize your entire textbook for your midterm. Avoid losing those important definitions and formulas by using some bright, fun color codes to keep track of these materials.
Notecards Finally, we suggest keeping a stack of notecards in your study space at all times so that you can create flashcards for upcoming tests.


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