Ok so I’m in tenth grade in my high school, and I got expelled for a gram of marijuana, but I made a mistake, and I want to fix it, and I still want to be able to get scholarships, and maybe even a full ride, is it possible for me to get a scholarship with this expulsion on my academic record? My police record is clean, I got that taken care of.

I would make sure to do something to show demonstrated commitment to whatever is the opposite of bringing drugs to school. Something that shows some devotion and commitment to something outside your world of getting high at school. Show some character and newly discovered good judgement. So find some kind of activity where you can make an impact, perhaps some students need tutoring there, for one thing.
Scholarships or aid is sometimes based on income, and just getting in, are you familiar with how aid works overall? You are going to have to be applying with a blot on your record. For some colleges this will be huge, for others not so much. I think you should focus on now and wait to consider scholarships after you have some kind of track record to discuss.
Why do you care about college? If you did, you wouldn’t have behaved in such a manner to get you expelled
I strongly doubt that after being expelled, that there is a college scholarship waiting for you. Sorry.
Poor decisions have consequences.
My D’s HS tracks community service hours. When they perform CS, there is a form that includes date, name of the organization, hours worked, purpose and a signature and contact info for supervisor. They input info to HS to record. If your HS does not track this, do it yourself and just keep a binder or log. Another option, if you volunteer mainly at one place ie. library, hospital, they might be involved with the President’s Community Service Award system that also tracks this info. If they are not involved, but do have a lot of teen volunteers, you could volunteer to get them set up for the President’s Award. If you volunteer in numerous places, just keep the binder and log so you have a record of how many hours and for whom.
What the scholarship committee does not know won’t hurt you. Go to another district out of the area and enroll as a new student. When you get your transcripts from the old district, ask them not to mention the expulsion. You might hire a lawyer to help you. Most school districts only want the expelled student of the district. They don’t care where you go. They don’t want to deal with an attorney. Administrators are quite fearful of lawsuits. I believe that the old district will not mention the expulsion if you leave the area and have your attorney ask them in writing.
If you are an American you could probably apply for the federal Pell Grant. But admission to a university requires a 3.7 grade point average in high school and the completion of basic requirements like science, math, English, history etc. China and the countries, charges tuition for high school, so students pay attention. If you goofed off and didn’t do the work, or even attend regularly, and treated high school with contempt, then you should know you are competing with hard working serious students with grade point averages of 4.0. perhaps you should look at a community college with zero requirements to get in.