SSHS Booster Club

Who are we?

We are a group of involved SSHS parents who believe in supporting our school by helping it attain an even higher level of excellence regarding some of its existing activities and events.

If you place value in offering awards as an incentive for outstanding achievement; support offering scholarships to our own seniors, especially with the increased cost of higher education; and desire to honor all our graduates with a “job well done” by providing a Safe and Sober Graduation Party. To Join, please fill out this form and turn in to the SSHS office.

SSHS Scholarships

Our general fund provides as much as $6500 worth of senior scholarships at the end of each school year. We raise funds through partnerships such as Save Mart, Target, & Sparks Florist; as well as special events. We also provide funding for other groups like Academics Olympics, ROTC, Awards Nights, and other requests.

Walk of Fame Bricks

This committee facilitates our amazing “Walk of Fame” Park in the front of the high school. It maintains the display on Main Street and makes mini-presentations at senior events to advertise the sale of the bricks that will help build up the park. Organizing and updating the website information are also responsibilities of this committee. We know that some of you have wonderful abilities as vision casters, whether through public presentation or website design. We need you!

For purchasing a brick, download form by clicking here “Walk of Fame Brick Flyer

Safe and Sober Graduation Party

We are so privileged to have this amazing party every year for our graduating seniors. Being involved with the planning details and or- ganizing of this grand event, and/or just helping out on the night of the party is a huge gift to our graduates and future graduates!

If you want to attend the party, download form by clicking here “Safe and Sober Invitation

To donate click here “Safe and Sober Donation Letter

Click here to apply for a Memory Tile!